Legal Fees
For Martins de Paiva, defending our clients’ interests means offering the best assistance in exchange for reasonable fees.
In international arbitration costs, legal fees weight considerably more than arbitrators’ or administrative costs. That is even more so before domestic courts and tribunals. Representation costs can sometimes be disproportionate in relation to the amounts in dispute. That is a real issue for everyone’s right to a day in court.
We challenge the notion that higher legal fees are synonym to higher chances of success or that the quality of advice and representation correlates with such high fees. Legal firms’ expenses on administration, communication or costly premises often explain exorbitant fees.
We offer high quality advice for a reasonable cost, because of the lean and agile structure we adopt.
We negotiate fees in a transparent manner and adapt them to each client and each case. We are open to many alternative arrangements: an hourly rate with a cap; a monthly flat fee; reduced rates combined with a success fee. Our agreement will be duly registered in a written contract, providing certainty to our clients.
In international arbitration, the firm may assist potential clients in negotiating and drafting financing contracts with third-party funding.
If you would like more information, contact us and we will be glad to send you a fee proposal.